Go Solar LA: Reaching the 20% Goal by 2020

Elementary school children sing about solar power. Photo Credit: Environment California

AMECO Solar recently joined community leaders and local residents to kick-off the release of Environment California’s new report about the importance of solar energy in LA County.

A Recap of the Solar Community Meeting

Senator De Leon speaks with a local Angeleno . Photo Credit: Environment California

It was an inspiring event complete with stories told by Angelenos who have solar panels on the roofs of their homes or businesses, a letter-to-the-editor writing workshop, and a compelling speech in support of solar from Senator Kevin De Leon.

A big highlight of the meeting came from some of LA’s tiniest solar advocates. After the first graders from Betty Plasencia Elementary School gave their reasons for liking solar energy, they sang a song titled “Solar Power to the People” eliciting a lot of “awwws” from the audience.

Inspiring a City to Make Solar a Priority

The community meeting served as a kick-off for Environment California’s latest report, Solar in the Spotlight: Stories of Angelenos Investing in a Clean Energy Future. The intent of the report is two-fold.

First, it’s written to spread awareness of the benefits of solar power to all Angelenos. There are many misconceptions about solar panel installation, one being that many still believe that it’s only for the rich or those with large utility bills.

As you read about the 23 solar success stories highlighted in the report, it’s easy to see how the solar energy clientele has become diversified and is now accessible to people at all income levels. From churches to low-income housing and local business to homeowners, almost everyone mentions how the solar panels are saving them money and how happy they are to be relying on a clean, renewable energy.

Second, the report can be seen as a reminder to Mayor Garcetti about his welcome support for solar energy. While running for mayor, he endorsed the idea that Los Angeles should install 1200 MW of solar power to generate nearly 20 percent of the city’s needs. Now that he’s in office and putting together the plan for his term, Environment California hopes that the report will inspire Garcetti to continue to work on the “20 by 2020 campaign” an official city goal.

Support Solar and Take Action Today

Let’s “Go Solar LA” and install 1200 MW of solar panels by 2020. Photo Credit: Environment California

Though Los Angeles has huge potential for solar installation, the city uses solar energy for only 2% of its electrical needs. We have a long way to go to meet the 20% goal.

If you have a couple minutes, please fill out a brief form at Environment California’s website to  sign the petition and help get Garcetti’s attention.

For those who are active on Facebook or Twitter, you can spread the word about solar in LA by posting or tweeting to your friends and followers. Use the @ericgarcetti and @EnvCalifornia handles to make sure that the Mayor doesn’t miss your post.